RAS Surgical is registered Manufacturer company of Surgical, Dental & Beauty Instruments based in Sialkot Pakistan.

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In 2005, established a company under the name RAS Surgicall for the production and export of surgical instruments. Market expanded at snail pace for almost two decades, first in The Punjab and later in other parts of Pakistan since 2005 to onward providing the high quality of surgical instruments to many hospitals in Pakistan.
This company had initial success and started selling its products in Pakistan while first exports went to Turkey in the same year.

in 2014 determination for provide the premium qualities of surgical instruments in all over the world. With increase in demand, it became necessary to enlarge the production. A larger production facility was established in 2014 that was further expanded in the coming years.

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All our products are 100% custom made for you – your colors & your logo. Unlike others, we don’t pull your product out of a generic bin and slap your logo on it.

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We have updated our webiste with new range. Our products is high quality products..

We have updated our webiste with new range. Our products is high quality products..

Factory View

With over 12 years of experience RAS Surgical has established a modern facility located in the heart of Sialkot ,Pakistan...

Exhibition Views

Around meximum countries orgnize EXHIBITION from RAS Surgical. Multi instruments showen on this banch of surgical line.

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